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Chiropractic care concentrates on promoting the nervous system to properly communicate with the rest of the body. If you've heard that chiropractic adjustments involve lots of cracking, popping, and discomfort, that's not how we work at Precision Chiropractic Center. Dr. Sands utilizes specifically selected gentle, non-twisting chiropractic adjustments to alleviate back pain, neck pain, gastric issues, headaches, and anything related to the nervous system. He works with patients from 3 days old to 100 years old. He also offers maternal and pre-natal chiropractic care.
Call us at 507-287-6041 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sands in Rochester, MN.
Whether you’re having numbness in your hands or dealing with lower back pain, Dr. Sands will take the time to locate each misalignment while using gentle, non-twisting chiropractic care techniques. His process includes:
Count on Dr. Sands to help you regain your health back and prevent future health issues. Plan your next chiropractic adjustment with Dr. Sands today and say goodbye to neck pain, back pain and headaches.
Chiropractic care relies on the recuperative abilities of your body just like other healthcare systems. Chiropractic care concentrates on promoting the nerve system of the body to properly communicate with the rest of the body. This promotes healthy activities to reduce the stress (physical, chemical, and emotional). To accomplish proper communication Dr. Sands utilizes specifically selected gentle non-twisting adjusting methods. These adjusting methods have provided excellent results for the many people who have trusted him as their healthcare provider for over 30 years.
Initial evaluation commonly includes a non-invasive computer-assisted nerve function evaluation that determines how well your body is adapting to your daily stresses. We follow that with spinal X-rays to precisely determine your unique misalignment and the best way to correct the nerve communication. After a detailed evaluation of the computer scan and digital x-rays, spinal adjusting can begin to help you regain your health and/or prevent future health issues. Other services are available to allow you to improve your overall health. Call us today for gentle chiropractic care in Rochester, MN.
Monday 8 AM–12 PM, 2–6 PM
Tuesday 8 AM–12 PM, 2–6 PM
Wednesday By Appointment
Thursday 8 AM–12 PM, 2–6 PM
Friday 8 AM–12 PM, 2–5 PM
Saturday By Appointment
Sunday By Appointment